A brand new year signifies a new beginning! What goals did you set for yourself this year? As we soon bid goodbye to the first quarter of 2021 and welcome the second quarter into our laps, have you achieved the goals you set for? Is it to progress in your career? Is it to build better relationships with the people around you? Or, is it to attain a healthier body? Majority of us would set new year resolutions, feeling all pumped up and ready to go all out and achieve for the new year, but how long does the fire stay burning within us?
Perhaps the gyms would see many people in the beginning of the year, but by the mid of the year, many would have dropped out of the gym. Are you one of them? 😩 In order to create a lasting habit and introduce a healthier lifestyle, we have to have a sensible and sustainable lifestyle, one in which we can follow comfortably and fit into our lifestyles.
When it comes to our health, what is more important is what we eat more than how much we exercise.